So here I am, wallowing in self pity. I truly feel like half a man. Oh well, perhaps I'll cheer up when it fills in a little more.

And I figured while I was posting, I might travel back in time a little. Due to federal law I had to dig out all my old rifles and register them. This was actually much less of a hassle than I expected it to be. The point is, as I was digging through all my old gopher rifles of yester year, I came upon this. My very first rifle.

My father made this for me at the tender age of 10. He lovingly made each peice by hand. The bullnose, the rear site mount, the trigger gaurd, the wrist plate, the but plate, and the stock, were all crafted in the shop not ten feet from my bed room. The only original parts are the action and barrel. And even these were modified to better fit the project. I put tens of thousands of rounds down the barrel of this baby.This was my first true love, and the reason I am known as the Marksman today.

And I figured while I was posting, I might travel back in time a little. Due to federal law I had to dig out all my old rifles and register them. This was actually much less of a hassle than I expected it to be. The point is, as I was digging through all my old gopher rifles of yester year, I came upon this. My very first rifle.

My father made this for me at the tender age of 10. He lovingly made each peice by hand. The bullnose, the rear site mount, the trigger gaurd, the wrist plate, the but plate, and the stock, were all crafted in the shop not ten feet from my bed room. The only original parts are the action and barrel. And even these were modified to better fit the project. I put tens of thousands of rounds down the barrel of this baby.This was my first true love, and the reason I am known as the Marksman today.
Oh bud you look so handsome!!! I remember that rifle... oh the pop cans I masacred with that.
o my gawd when are we to wed?