Wow I've been busy. I wont bore you with the details but I have been all over the dam place with work lately. And I unfortunately got stuck on call for Christmas. Could be worse I guess. For instance Paul Martin and that pack of liberal fucktards could try and ban pistols. That could really suck. Oh wait, THEY ARE TRYING TO BAN PISTOLS! Why are people so stupid? It isnt as though banning pistols will eradicate violent crime. I honestly dont think it will even decrease it. Its always been illegal to carry one, and the majority of the ones used in illegal acts are illegally brought into the country. Paul isnt fighting the wrong war; hes just fighting the wrong battle. How about making an effort to stop the illegal weapons smuggling, instead of going after the responsible gun owner.
This has been a short rant by The Marksman
My little friend, and his big brothers. How could you break up this happy family?

This has been a short rant by The Marksman
My little friend, and his big brothers. How could you break up this happy family?

Wow you have a larger collection than I remember! Can we go do some target practice over xmas holidays?!?
MY TESTS ARE DONE!! I AM COMING HOME!! Video games, firearms, mom food and my bed better be ready and waiting for me lol.