My sisters manager at her work is a pig. Only accepts females who apply just so he can date them. he already dated 2. tried with my sister
but my sister knows better. and now a friend of mine from highschool works there also and since the pig of a manager couldn't get my sister he moved on to her and now they are dating.... what's funny is that i found out via FB even tho on the public notif it didnt say the name just said "xxx is in a relationship" all i did was go to the managers profile which is public and i saw they both had the same date for being i a relationship. I feel bad for my friend but she also fucked up. She was telling my sis how it's wrong to date co workers etc etc and look at her now. Hope that asshole gets what it's coming to him. Someone even put a comment on the online portion of the site which only members can do and he disbanded the persons account for harassment. Which is fucked up because it's freedom of speech. But the comment basically said that the manager gets way to close with the co-wokers. The comment goes to the gym's HQ also and when they confronted the manager about that comment he played it off as something about a babyshower that he got invited to... how the fuck was that random person gonna know about that? The manager is stupid and the people in HQ of the gym are stupid for believing his dumb ass story.

Wow! They should have reported him for sexual harassment..and a few other things.

It seriously pisses me off he tried to get with my sister. i read his messages one time when my sis left her laptop on. I didnt mean to snoop but i had a bad feeling bout him and i read some of his messages calling my sis "babe" "baby" and all that other shit.