/i don't get it...might be bad luck or something maybe karma?
I don't know but everytime i meet a girl around where i live
is like they forget me weeks to even days of meeting me.
I met this one gal who was gonna possibly be my girlfriend but out of nowhere
she stopped replying to me in every way of communication.
I've also lost friends this way also. I don't ever say anything bad to piss them off or anything like that.
Just gets me all confused n shit.
Me no get it D:
But on a side note i am drawing a portrait of the lovely Heathen
I will post pix on here soon but i do have some i took with my iphone
head over to my instagram to check them out along with other art
my username is Markmorbidity
I don't know but everytime i meet a girl around where i live
is like they forget me weeks to even days of meeting me.
I met this one gal who was gonna possibly be my girlfriend but out of nowhere
she stopped replying to me in every way of communication.
I've also lost friends this way also. I don't ever say anything bad to piss them off or anything like that.
Just gets me all confused n shit.
Me no get it D:
But on a side note i am drawing a portrait of the lovely Heathen

I will post pix on here soon but i do have some i took with my iphone

head over to my instagram to check them out along with other art

my username is Markmorbidity

hopefully sooner