So it's about time I start taking blogging a bit more seriously.

The other day I got a new cell phone; it's my first phone with a camera on it (yes, i have been living under a rock for the past 5 years) and I've recently been rediscovering a lost love for photography. Of course the camera phone isn't exactly a good shot or anything,...
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Duder, what's up.

Ya fuckin' poofed all of a sudden.
Holy crap, how is it a year since the last activity on your page?!

You're still paying for this?

Quit being a lurker Mr. Lurkinstein.
AH! I'm about to move away and my shit is still everywhere!!! I hate packing! People need to come help me get my shit together! But i know it's really just up to me, so really what i'm saying is, I'M SO EXCITED! I'm soon to be rid of this horrific place we call Montana. Though i'll be back, there's some sort of curse on...
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I'm kind of hung over. I guess that's to be expected. Yesterday was my 21st birthday, and WOW was it everything I expected and then some. Thanks to those of you that had a part in it, and to those that will in the future. Josh, Tina, Kyle, Trevyn, and those I've forgotten, thanks for making my day worth waiting that long for.
As advised by MrGinger, move to Arcata... Eureka is ungood.

Hopefully you threw up on your 21st biggrin
Everyone go get your bottle of Crown Royal and raise you glasses to one of the greatest men to ever live. Matthew Warner Bartley, my father, drowned in the Salmon River Idaho four years ago. His favorite drink was crown, so raise it high and drink it deep. May the road rise up to meet you and may the wind be always at your back.
Cheers, dear.
Well, my 21st birthday is Monday... and I can't wait. It's going to be such a blast, but the problem is I have no one to go with me... which is kinda sad. I really wish I had some real friends here in Montana. Plus I'm horny as I think I've ever been, which sucks as we all know. That's how life is sometimes though,...
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Some of my poetry from the past year for all to read.


do you ever wonder,
if you'll be remembered?
or if you'll fade away?

do you ever think about,
why life is what it is?
or do you just accept it and move on?

i, myself, am stuck somewhere between, i guess
but for some reason i keep on telling my stories,

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Well, it's been a month since I blogged on here, so I guess I'd better try to catch people up on what's going on in my world. I turn 21 in a couple weeks, i shaved my beard off, i cut my hair short, i got a xbox 360, i'm moving out at the end of june (one more month!!), for all of july i'll...
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So, another try at the blogging thing. Life is good. Still feel poor, but I guess I'm doing better though. Getting a lot of hours at work, which I've earned. Doin' a bit more outside, now that the warmth has begun to return to Montana. I'm happy with what's going on in the long run. Still wish I was making more money so I could...
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I haven't seen you in like, forever, man! I'm hesitant to go into Gamestop, as Josh HATES me, but are you gonna have a going-away shindig of any sort?
Have you noticed that a long awaited hair cut can be just what the doctor ordered? Maybe it's just me, but I feel like a completely new person, and i feel more attractive. Perhaps it's just me, but I just love feeling refreshed like that.
Dude, get on IM.
Dude, it's April already.

Update this mutherfucker.
Another day in snow covered Montana. It's cold, it's wet, it's crap! "Fucking montana", as Coss would say. It's all good though, living in the best city in the state makes up for it all. Missoula is amazing, not too many people, but enough to make some good friends. The reefer here's awesome, too. I just want to get out though, for some reason my...
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Oh my, thank you darling! x
Number 3 coming up!! kiss
Well, this is my second membership with SuicideGirls, I just love how amazing this site is. All the girls here are beautiful, and they are all so nice. I just can't wait to start networking through the profiles and making friends. Thanks for kickin' ass SG.