well another night in shitsburgh and im sitting here at niks house listening to my latest mix that i threw down in november, being bored as fuck. She is working at the louie tonight and i dont know anyone in this shit hole town so i am stuck in the house. Which is fine with me cause its cold as fuck outside and i am broke. I managed to loose like 20 bucks last night at 80's night.
It was alot of fun and good for nicolelee to get out and see everyone before she leaves for columbus on sunday.. Speaking of last night, i was fucked up. And it was good to meet some members(avalon,pr0ject605) from the site.
And yes for the books destro did kiss me and man is he a sex mo-fo. dude you must had swallowed jackie chan cause your breath was kicking
It was a fun night. I dont know how i got nik and me home, but we made it safe and sound.
As the time ticks on and the days go by im excited to say that im geeked about the sg burlesque show in columbus. I hope that i meet alot of new members and models as well. I wont be able to make it to any of the other shows in other citys due to me and nik moving to d.c. in march. 2 more weeks y'alll.
Well im gonna comment on some friends journals and then get off hur and go look for boxes for nik in the cold..
l8er G-aa-ttt--oo--rr--ss
p.s. i posted some new pics. My new poop tattoo as well. CHECK IT OUT FOR SHIZZLE.
It was alot of fun and good for nicolelee to get out and see everyone before she leaves for columbus on sunday.. Speaking of last night, i was fucked up. And it was good to meet some members(avalon,pr0ject605) from the site.
And yes for the books destro did kiss me and man is he a sex mo-fo. dude you must had swallowed jackie chan cause your breath was kicking

As the time ticks on and the days go by im excited to say that im geeked about the sg burlesque show in columbus. I hope that i meet alot of new members and models as well. I wont be able to make it to any of the other shows in other citys due to me and nik moving to d.c. in march. 2 more weeks y'alll.
Well im gonna comment on some friends journals and then get off hur and go look for boxes for nik in the cold..
l8er G-aa-ttt--oo--rr--ss
p.s. i posted some new pics. My new poop tattoo as well. CHECK IT OUT FOR SHIZZLE.

Yeah, I'm a big geek.
love the tattoo i want one...