so last night was quite the night. I had to dj at the legendary club "Redzone."I tried to pace myself in killing my liver, but never the less i ended up over doing it like always.I was so sloshed at the end of the night stumbling my way to my car. But my dewd seven wasnt going to let me drive to the afterhours, which was a good idea, so i jumped in his ride. I had to dj, and i dont even remember much of it. Met a pretty hot chick though. I manage to remember Then at 6:00 we left the afterhours and got breakfest at steaknshake. I fucking ordered everything under the sun, and ate it all, but felt like puking afterwards . Poor seven, i embarresed him due to my drunkin shunanigans. These old people just sat at there table the whole time we were there, starring at the tattooed freak that i am. They just dont understand. Oh fucking well. My head hurts, and i cant think or type anymore. Im sure my spelling sucks too. 'Oh fucking well" im not going out tonight. Too cold and i just feel like watching a movie in my sweat pants and t-shirt. Kinda cool that nicole lee gave me some props. Shes a hottie boombottie.
