Yesterday I was talking with a friend about my girlfriend. I'm on that times in wich you don't know if continue with your relationship worths any effort. Talking about leaving her.
Today I received an email from ebay talking about they buy vids of people leaving people. Valentine's is soon, but this seems like a bad Joke
Well, this weekend at my parents house is comming to an end. It would be ok if returning to my home doesn't meanning return to work.
Each day I keep more in mind that my goal is on establishing my own bussines here back in Madrid. It will keep me nearer to my friends, my family and (this order is correct) my girlfriend.
I think I'm running out of great ideas. I have been allways thinking and thinking... but I'm bored, what about on going to the sofa and spend all day watching TV?
Bah! not for me, I better spend all day calling all friends until someone shouts a good plan for today...