I thought i would you a flavour of my Download Festival weekend in picture form
The Long walk in
Better not to ask
Im in the blue/white baseball shirt in front enjoying megadeath , and my friends are camera whoring it
The cup man
Part one of Ian Passed out
The view for Wolfmother
Battle Metal breakfast for Turisas
Jonny 7 hats
Notice the passed out guy in the background
Round two of Ian passed out
You can't trust Alex
The Necro crew
Papa Roach ha ha ha
Right i need some sleep as im off to see Daft Punk tomorrow
The Long walk in

Better not to ask

Im in the blue/white baseball shirt in front enjoying megadeath , and my friends are camera whoring it

The cup man

Part one of Ian Passed out

The view for Wolfmother

Battle Metal breakfast for Turisas

Jonny 7 hats

Notice the passed out guy in the background

Round two of Ian passed out

You can't trust Alex

The Necro crew

Papa Roach ha ha ha

Right i need some sleep as im off to see Daft Punk tomorrow

Turisas were AMAZING weren't they?!
Hi! I am walking in the San Fran Aids Walk. If you can find any spare change wheter it's a dollar or twenty it would help!
Here's is the link if you'd like to sponser!
Thank You!