Currently listening to:
Sick of it all Tribute album - Our Impact will be felt , track 16 - Walls of jericho cover over "Us vs Them"
Right i feel i should update whats been going on in the crazy crazy world that is my life , since i my last journal thursday night.
Friday -
Had the day off work , hell yes , and spent most of it doing fuck all. I finally completed Oblivian on my 360 , including all the new expansion pack aswell , thats 150hours of my life well spent there i feel
and i finally started watching the 3rd series of Arrested Development , god damn i love this show. I've waited for the dvd to come out rather then download it, im funny like that.
Saturday -
I slept late for the first time in aaaaages , got up about 10ish then abit later came upto London and met some of you lovely SGUK folks then left about 6ish for my friends 25th. We had a meal then went off to the comedy store for some truely truely appalling comedy , we left halfway through and went for a drink then split off into our differnet groups , i legged it back to the SGUK folks again and had some more drunken fun
I would like to say i know what was being discussed in this pic , but i have no recolection now.
Sunday -
Day started with a bacon sarnie mmmm mmmm
Spent some hangover time at the gym , then went computer game shopping , got Call of Duty 2 and Prey for my 360 for 20 in my local gamestation. I think they were marked up wrong but sod em. And the kid who served me asked me for ID
then called me MAN far too many times for my liking.
Just watched Arsenal beat Fulham and now time for some more gaming.
Hope you all had a good weekend
I will leave you with the song that came on as i left the SGUK folks last night on my ipod
Kinda sums it all up really
Sick of it all Tribute album - Our Impact will be felt , track 16 - Walls of jericho cover over "Us vs Them"
Right i feel i should update whats been going on in the crazy crazy world that is my life , since i my last journal thursday night.
Friday -
Had the day off work , hell yes , and spent most of it doing fuck all. I finally completed Oblivian on my 360 , including all the new expansion pack aswell , thats 150hours of my life well spent there i feel

Saturday -
I slept late for the first time in aaaaages , got up about 10ish then abit later came upto London and met some of you lovely SGUK folks then left about 6ish for my friends 25th. We had a meal then went off to the comedy store for some truely truely appalling comedy , we left halfway through and went for a drink then split off into our differnet groups , i legged it back to the SGUK folks again and had some more drunken fun

I would like to say i know what was being discussed in this pic , but i have no recolection now.

Sunday -
Day started with a bacon sarnie mmmm mmmm
Spent some hangover time at the gym , then went computer game shopping , got Call of Duty 2 and Prey for my 360 for 20 in my local gamestation. I think they were marked up wrong but sod em. And the kid who served me asked me for ID

Just watched Arsenal beat Fulham and now time for some more gaming.
Hope you all had a good weekend
I will leave you with the song that came on as i left the SGUK folks last night on my ipod
Kinda sums it all up really
Also, the myspace message, that was just a snippet of it, it was actually like 6 paragraphs long. It made my head hurt.