and where the fuck are my monkeys?!!
School is winding down in a big way for me. That is to say that I've got everything done and I've only got one final to write.
My tattoo is healing. I lost a lot of ink in the process and it hasn't turned out the way it was supposed to. There are a lot of fleshy spots all over it.
Oddly enough they're spread in such a way that makes it consistant. It almost looks more like a branding than a tattoo. I'm thinking I might just keep it the way it is (at least for awhile)
Hell it's an anarchy symbol... it's not supposed to be pretty
*posting rule*
If you decide to post a comment, please finish it with a humorous annecdote
For example:
This happened when I worked maintenance back in Jasper. I was out partying until 5 in the morning and came to work an hour late. There were a few morning things that didn't get done and my superivisor was decidedly pissed. My head manager (the chief engineer.. we just called him Chief) kept cracking jokes about it for several weeks afterwards. It started to really get on my nerves so I asked him why he wouldn't let it go... after all it was just one time and I had been awesome since. He told me "Mark, you can build a thousand bridges and no one will ever call you a bridge builder... BUT SUCK ONE COCK!!"
and where the fuck are my monkeys?!!
School is winding down in a big way for me. That is to say that I've got everything done and I've only got one final to write.
My tattoo is healing. I lost a lot of ink in the process and it hasn't turned out the way it was supposed to. There are a lot of fleshy spots all over it.
Oddly enough they're spread in such a way that makes it consistant. It almost looks more like a branding than a tattoo. I'm thinking I might just keep it the way it is (at least for awhile)
Hell it's an anarchy symbol... it's not supposed to be pretty

*posting rule*
If you decide to post a comment, please finish it with a humorous annecdote
For example:
This happened when I worked maintenance back in Jasper. I was out partying until 5 in the morning and came to work an hour late. There were a few morning things that didn't get done and my superivisor was decidedly pissed. My head manager (the chief engineer.. we just called him Chief) kept cracking jokes about it for several weeks afterwards. It started to really get on my nerves so I asked him why he wouldn't let it go... after all it was just one time and I had been awesome since. He told me "Mark, you can build a thousand bridges and no one will ever call you a bridge builder... BUT SUCK ONE COCK!!"

You sound like you had a good time... lol