Was lookin at some of the new sets the other day... came across this shot: Desdemonia
In other news, I got together with a girl last night. I was hearting her, and it turns out that she was hearting me back.
I'm likely gonna hitch a ride up to Jasper tonight cause I've got the next 2 days off. Haven't decided if I'm gonna go yet... but it would be a whole lot of fun.
Probably would be a good idea to make myself scarce; this girl was sort of seeing another guy... and he looked pretty mad last night. He's little... but he's also french and an insane mountain climber. In other words, he'd probably f*ck me up somethin fierce
Here's a couple of pictures my brother sent me last week. Greg is the communication-operator for his unit. They travel on convoys that protect soft targets (diplomats, medical supplies, food). The first one is him out at a firebase that his convoy visited. The second picture was taken on the way back to Khandahar City.

In other news, I got together with a girl last night. I was hearting her, and it turns out that she was hearting me back.

I'm likely gonna hitch a ride up to Jasper tonight cause I've got the next 2 days off. Haven't decided if I'm gonna go yet... but it would be a whole lot of fun.
Probably would be a good idea to make myself scarce; this girl was sort of seeing another guy... and he looked pretty mad last night. He's little... but he's also french and an insane mountain climber. In other words, he'd probably f*ck me up somethin fierce

Here's a couple of pictures my brother sent me last week. Greg is the communication-operator for his unit. They travel on convoys that protect soft targets (diplomats, medical supplies, food). The first one is him out at a firebase that his convoy visited. The second picture was taken on the way back to Khandahar City.


Have a great day!
Anything that we choose to believe in tries to answer these questions, and all of them are just as mythological as any of the other ones. I suppsose that I singled out Scientology because it seems that much more far fetched than any of the so-called mainstream religions.
Call it a personal bias, I guess.