I'm copy/pasting part of an email my brother sent this morning:
Among our trips, I had the opportunity to do what I call, the most dangerous beer run in history. In accompaniment to the CanCon show, every soldier was to get two beers. On the snap we were order take a load of beer into CNS (Camp Nathan Smith) in KC prior to the show so it could cool off. It seems stupid, but its not ours to question why. All day there had been heavy fighting in and around the city and our convoy had been ordered to stand down repeatedly do to the over activity. We would form up and prep to step off only to here over the radio, 85 wait out. As the sun was going down and dusk had settled in, we all assumed that the convoy had been scraped, because we would have to go in the dark and the cargo hardly was worth the risk. Boy were we wrong. Sure enough, just as the last shreds of light faded, Ops came over the net and gave us the go ahead. Great. So now we were traveling down, arguably, the most dangerous road in the world, in the dark, after a veritable battle had been raging all day, all for some lousy beer. I thought we were in for it for sure. For the first time since my first convoy in theater I was really scared. However I think I have horse shoes up my ass or something, because we made it there and back without incident. Incidentally, although we made it through fine, attacks continued on other coalition forces in that area of the city throughout the night. I was lucky.
I'm not sure how I feel about that He comes home in less than 2 months.
Among our trips, I had the opportunity to do what I call, the most dangerous beer run in history. In accompaniment to the CanCon show, every soldier was to get two beers. On the snap we were order take a load of beer into CNS (Camp Nathan Smith) in KC prior to the show so it could cool off. It seems stupid, but its not ours to question why. All day there had been heavy fighting in and around the city and our convoy had been ordered to stand down repeatedly do to the over activity. We would form up and prep to step off only to here over the radio, 85 wait out. As the sun was going down and dusk had settled in, we all assumed that the convoy had been scraped, because we would have to go in the dark and the cargo hardly was worth the risk. Boy were we wrong. Sure enough, just as the last shreds of light faded, Ops came over the net and gave us the go ahead. Great. So now we were traveling down, arguably, the most dangerous road in the world, in the dark, after a veritable battle had been raging all day, all for some lousy beer. I thought we were in for it for sure. For the first time since my first convoy in theater I was really scared. However I think I have horse shoes up my ass or something, because we made it there and back without incident. Incidentally, although we made it through fine, attacks continued on other coalition forces in that area of the city throughout the night. I was lucky.
I'm not sure how I feel about that He comes home in less than 2 months.
Buenos Aires if a beautiful city, you should visit someday.