I just woke up. Took a 13 hour nap. I hadn't slept since Wednesday. This weekend has been unusual.
I visited one of classmates in the hospital. She is Anorexic, and had reached the point where she needed a feeding tube stay alive. She checked herself in to the hospital, which was a really sign.
On Thursday night after the bar I watched 8 Indian guys pull some asshole out of a cab in the middle of the road. They threw him up against a wall and started kicking him. As soon as we heard a loud 'bang', my friends and I yelled at the cabbie to fuckin drive. (he was trying to kick us out at the time, because he figured the cab driver next to us had the right to our fare... I got 3 hours of sleep that night.
On Friday night, I toured the lower decks of a Holland America Cruise ship. There is no human rights legislation that governs the ocean, and this company takes full advantage. All lower positions are filled with filipinos. If you are white, you immediately are placed in s position where you will advance quickly.
I won't describe how bad it was for the lower staff; only that it is a modern version of slavery. They are house-niggers.
After seeing the cruise ship in it's entirety, I was disgusted with myself for even being on it... I didn't sleep that night.
In Seattle we lost an ESL student for about 2.5 hours. She left her passport and cellphone on bus, and got separated from the group she was with. I guess she didn't listen when the prof's told us where the bus would pick us up. We contacted police, market security, and swept the area in groups of two. After 2 hours of freaking out and wandering around, the girl called 911 and we picked her up.
I smuggled a bottle of duty-free Tequila across the border.
Visited a friend in Vancouver. We went out to party because she was leaving for Jasper the next day. (got 2 hours of sleep at her house before the bar
) After some post bar drama (fucking actors
) we get back to her house to find that her mom had changed the locks on her.
Imagine 2 people who have been lying to each other, and pissing each other off for a long time. All they need is a catalyst to set off a major fight.
I was expected to take sides in their little squabble. Fuck you both! I haven't slept in 4 days, and you are robbing me of another night. I don't take sides and I'm not emotional. I'm a businessman and you are just another fucking union and employer who can't achieve their short term goals because you can't stop blaming each other. I mediated the conversation as such. It kept them calm and they found a solution to their short term problem of getting this girl up to Jasper.
Sunday was beautiful. The sun was out, and their were a hundred sailboats on the water. I met a friend of mine on the ferry who was able to hook me up with a ride home.
*posting request*
I don't care what you write, but sometime today, please do something to make the world a better place... cause after this weekend, it looks a little bit ugly to me.
I visited one of classmates in the hospital. She is Anorexic, and had reached the point where she needed a feeding tube stay alive. She checked herself in to the hospital, which was a really sign.
On Thursday night after the bar I watched 8 Indian guys pull some asshole out of a cab in the middle of the road. They threw him up against a wall and started kicking him. As soon as we heard a loud 'bang', my friends and I yelled at the cabbie to fuckin drive. (he was trying to kick us out at the time, because he figured the cab driver next to us had the right to our fare... I got 3 hours of sleep that night.
On Friday night, I toured the lower decks of a Holland America Cruise ship. There is no human rights legislation that governs the ocean, and this company takes full advantage. All lower positions are filled with filipinos. If you are white, you immediately are placed in s position where you will advance quickly.
I won't describe how bad it was for the lower staff; only that it is a modern version of slavery. They are house-niggers.
After seeing the cruise ship in it's entirety, I was disgusted with myself for even being on it... I didn't sleep that night.
In Seattle we lost an ESL student for about 2.5 hours. She left her passport and cellphone on bus, and got separated from the group she was with. I guess she didn't listen when the prof's told us where the bus would pick us up. We contacted police, market security, and swept the area in groups of two. After 2 hours of freaking out and wandering around, the girl called 911 and we picked her up.
I smuggled a bottle of duty-free Tequila across the border.
Visited a friend in Vancouver. We went out to party because she was leaving for Jasper the next day. (got 2 hours of sleep at her house before the bar

Imagine 2 people who have been lying to each other, and pissing each other off for a long time. All they need is a catalyst to set off a major fight.
I was expected to take sides in their little squabble. Fuck you both! I haven't slept in 4 days, and you are robbing me of another night. I don't take sides and I'm not emotional. I'm a businessman and you are just another fucking union and employer who can't achieve their short term goals because you can't stop blaming each other. I mediated the conversation as such. It kept them calm and they found a solution to their short term problem of getting this girl up to Jasper.
Sunday was beautiful. The sun was out, and their were a hundred sailboats on the water. I met a friend of mine on the ferry who was able to hook me up with a ride home.
*posting request*
I don't care what you write, but sometime today, please do something to make the world a better place... cause after this weekend, it looks a little bit ugly to me.
WOW! What a crazy weekend..... take care of yourself and be safe. Pay it forward is my motto. I agree, it makes the world a better place.

hmmmm. I love doing odd things for no particular reason, but then I start getting worried that I'm going crazy(er)
Sounds like good stress relief tho, then to be topped off with a chance meetings with strangers and icecream... yay
Does the Calgary airport even have icecream????!!! I know there's a bar..... I want a beer float
I only use flirting for good of course..... for good kisses frum cute girls