I'm taking hospitality management at a college called Malaspina.
My program operates a spaghetti restaurant every Tuesday night called Malaghetti's... clever....ain't it
In any case, tonight we did a Wizard of Oz theme. My manager volunteered me to dress up like the Cowardly Lion. Turns out I'm super good at skipping.
I think I mastered my Wizard of Oz skip back in Lake Louise. My best friend at the time was a lesbian, and whenever we got drunk we would always skip to and from the bar.
So I'll have some new pics of me looking like a moron in a few days...now all I need is a snappy exit
I don't care what anyone says, it takes balls to dress up like a cowardly lion.
My program operates a spaghetti restaurant every Tuesday night called Malaghetti's... clever....ain't it
In any case, tonight we did a Wizard of Oz theme. My manager volunteered me to dress up like the Cowardly Lion. Turns out I'm super good at skipping.
I think I mastered my Wizard of Oz skip back in Lake Louise. My best friend at the time was a lesbian, and whenever we got drunk we would always skip to and from the bar.
So I'll have some new pics of me looking like a moron in a few days...now all I need is a snappy exit
I don't care what anyone says, it takes balls to dress up like a cowardly lion.
I know that's not a night scene, but there's beer.