welll good morning ,or whatever smile ,
i now have my business partner in Romania ,,we are going to open a pub there ,,lots of planning to do ,,and location scouting , im exited ,,,come drink there with me after we open

other news ,,my Starbucks bill is $250 this month ,,YIKES
and got tickets for Social Distortion yyuuuiippiiee smile
thanks! *hug*
Yeah, Fontana sucks ass...I'm sorry you have to know it too...
breakfast ,,,coffe ,eggs , sausage , portabello mushrooms , orange juice ,,stop by ,you can have some too whatever

other news ,,my car is at the mechanics today ,,so i am stuck at home ,,come save me

and i hope to be in Romania by the end of the month smile
it's like baseball and soccer together.
i'm not in switzerland i'm in sweden...that is NOT the same!!! wink
Ah sounds yummy...i had applepie so i can imagine it with peach.

Smoking cigarettes aren't good for you... puke
went to velvet revolver ,at the fair here ,,,they rocked smile ,,sunday i went to a barbecue ,and pool party ,,
other than that trying to save for my next trip to europe ,and smoking too much

i think i like me love
what's peach cobbler????? confused
smoking what?? wink
hey ,hi ,what the fuck tongue

have'nt updated in a while ,i was in europe working ,it was good but i missed home
finally got my car finished ,it ais a 68' camaro ,with a 468 blown chevy ,and has 825 horsepower tongue ,wanna ride
my best friend ,and i got back together after a year of avoiding each other ,,her and i have been friends for...
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your car is soooo beaudiful!! i love classic cars, i have a whole list of cars i want but will never be able to afford...like a 1979 pontiac trans am t top and a 1969 chrysler 300 convertible...
hmm, so you know either izzy stradlin, michael monroe, scotti hill or twiggy ramirez?? which ones?! i'm gonna take a guess izzy stradlin lives in indiana so i'm gonna say no to him, scotti hill? maybe, michael monroe...doesn't he live in finland?? and twiggy ramirez, yea i'm gonna go for him and scotti hill. well, whichever two you know, you're really really lucky, cos they're all amayzing!!
noise + kisses
mizz merr1d3ath
x x x
hope you had a good time at velvet revolver.
the party wasn't much fun..frown
i live about 3 hours north of Gothenburg.
i am happy in 2 weeks i am going waterskinng in nor calif ..but i am sad because i really want to go to romania ,,but im short on funds ,,i miss my friends in bucharest

ok i just spent 3 weeks doing preproduction for this band in england ,,ya i was in london , and they cancelled the tour ,,aarrrggghhh
now im home ,,,,,,,,maybe i'll go waterskiing in california with my friends
my g/f 's aunt is very sick ,,and it is sad times
i think i'll have a Guinness draft
ok since i am not used to writing a journal ,, this is a lil challenging ,,
hmmm ,,can you just call me ,,and i'll tell ya ,,hahaha

i am drinkin a Becks beer right now tongue
I just found your compliment in the Album about my chest piece tattoo.

Thank you so much, I know CK is corporate but what you said still holds as a compliment. I used to idolize Kate Moss and want to be her so it means alot.

the photo is thanks to mpphoto he just shot my set today.
ok sunday ,,just being lazy and drinking Starbucks smile , fed my snakes ,they are happy smile
got a webcam yesterday ,,noo i havent done that heheh ,really for my friends in Romania ,,because they miss me tongue
mmm starbucks! snakes? *runs.
im tired.
ok ,,just fed my snakes ,,they were happy wink
went to see a local band play last nite ,,it was kool , and got a good buzz off of 6 martinis eeek this weekend i also went waterskiing ,,had a blast smile