ok i know ,,,i havent updated ,since i came off tour
but i have a good explanation
i have been in Romania ,yes in Bucharest ,yes with my girlfriend
and i just needed to be away .....from my life i think . to get grounded again .
I will tell you , working for a singer and band , and the traveling and everything that goes with it , it becomes not real ,like were in our own little world . which we are sort of . from the plane to the hotel ,to the areana ,and where the outside world needs a "pass " to hang around us .
So ,,,,,when the tour ended i flew to Romania with the intention to stay a couple weeks . ..well ......that turned into a month or so . My girlfriend and i started a business , Crust Media CRUST MEDIA is an advertising agency that offers complete services including company image promotion (design and execution of video spots, print, web design), Public Relations, construction of exhibition displays, and others, as requested.
monica gogaia: Offer of advertising production and advertisements in the specialized magazine 'CAPRICIU, trade mark of Crust Media agency
Currently we are getting contracts signed from clients ,and the magazine will be out next month . ,so i have been busy ,and it was nice getting to spend time with my sweetie
i am now back in Arizona . but going back to Romania soon .
most of all my girl is happy ,and has a direction in life ,where she didnt before ,you know wondering what the degree will do for her ,and if she can find work . in Bucharest ,you bribe to get that good job . ehr life has not been easy ,mom left at 5 ,dad is a drunk living on the streets ,aunt is going crazy ,enough we will haver to put her in a home ....that is her family ,and she has me . sometimes i think im here on earth ,to help this one person out ,and to give her hope . ,,,yes she means the world to me
well that kind of brins you up to date . if you care ,lol
i will try to update more often ,,,i have been bad .hahaha but you know ,when you just have to disapear .
noapte buna

ok i know ,,,i havent updated ,since i came off tour

but i have a good explanation

i have been in Romania ,yes in Bucharest ,yes with my girlfriend

and i just needed to be away .....from my life i think . to get grounded again .
I will tell you , working for a singer and band , and the traveling and everything that goes with it , it becomes not real ,like were in our own little world . which we are sort of . from the plane to the hotel ,to the areana ,and where the outside world needs a "pass " to hang around us .
So ,,,,,when the tour ended i flew to Romania with the intention to stay a couple weeks . ..well ......that turned into a month or so . My girlfriend and i started a business , Crust Media CRUST MEDIA is an advertising agency that offers complete services including company image promotion (design and execution of video spots, print, web design), Public Relations, construction of exhibition displays, and others, as requested.
monica gogaia: Offer of advertising production and advertisements in the specialized magazine 'CAPRICIU, trade mark of Crust Media agency
Currently we are getting contracts signed from clients ,and the magazine will be out next month . ,so i have been busy ,and it was nice getting to spend time with my sweetie

i am now back in Arizona . but going back to Romania soon .
most of all my girl is happy ,and has a direction in life ,where she didnt before ,you know wondering what the degree will do for her ,and if she can find work . in Bucharest ,you bribe to get that good job . ehr life has not been easy ,mom left at 5 ,dad is a drunk living on the streets ,aunt is going crazy ,enough we will haver to put her in a home ....that is her family ,and she has me . sometimes i think im here on earth ,to help this one person out ,and to give her hope . ,,,yes she means the world to me

well that kind of brins you up to date . if you care ,lol
i will try to update more often ,,,i have been bad .hahaha but you know ,when you just have to disapear .
noapte buna
wow thats awesome..i'd love to go there!