ok Xmas is done , take your lights down .
I got my new shoes yesterday from Zappos.com they are very rock n roll !!
they are Cole Haan , YES im a fashion whore
notice the crocodile print ooooo/aaaaahhhh hehehe
and a pic of me trying to look cool
my lil kitten is a psycho kitty running all over the house and trying to eat my feet , but i cant get mad at her because she is soooo cute
and in health news , im getting better . still cant put weight on my left foot , but my pelvis is feeling alot better . still cant walk very fsar without pain . and the nerve pain hurts like a Muthufuker when it runs down my leg . yes im still on blood thinners , and nerve pain pills . i only take the Vicodin when i go to therapy . my therapy guy , bends my foot in directions it doesnt want to go , with all the pins and screws in it
overall im feeling pretty good .
and as Ringo would say ,,peasce and love peace and love
laterz bitches

I got my new shoes yesterday from Zappos.com they are very rock n roll !!

they are Cole Haan , YES im a fashion whore

and a pic of me trying to look cool

my lil kitten is a psycho kitty running all over the house and trying to eat my feet , but i cant get mad at her because she is soooo cute

and in health news , im getting better . still cant put weight on my left foot , but my pelvis is feeling alot better . still cant walk very fsar without pain . and the nerve pain hurts like a Muthufuker when it runs down my leg . yes im still on blood thinners , and nerve pain pills . i only take the Vicodin when i go to therapy . my therapy guy , bends my foot in directions it doesnt want to go , with all the pins and screws in it
overall im feeling pretty good .
and as Ringo would say ,,peasce and love peace and love
laterz bitches

when the needles are showering off of the tree.
All ya can do is keep taking it one step at a time.
Happy New Year