Man...the best thing in the world is going off the trail at the Broad River Greenway in NC and making love. 
On a completely unrelated note. I start my new job Monday after court. Gotta go to court over the restraining order...the Judge will probably reinstate it....hopefully. Fuckin asshole threaten to kick my head in...shyeah. Anyways. Im gonna be working for a telemarketing service calling buisnesses and selling them top search spots on Yahoo and Google. w00! I have a script....*looks at the stack of papers and sighs*....thank Goddess I dont have to learn it word for word.

On a completely unrelated note. I start my new job Monday after court. Gotta go to court over the restraining order...the Judge will probably reinstate it....hopefully. Fuckin asshole threaten to kick my head in...shyeah. Anyways. Im gonna be working for a telemarketing service calling buisnesses and selling them top search spots on Yahoo and Google. w00! I have a script....*looks at the stack of papers and sighs*....thank Goddess I dont have to learn it word for word.