Wednesday Aug 08, 2007 Aug 8, 2007 0 Facebook Tweet Email Hey everyone. Please comment on my set. Maybe it shall be picked for Second Chance Sundays! Wood Nymph marksy: Who shot your set? You should come hang out with some of the SG Charlotte group. There a 2 or 3 SGs and 2 other hopefuls. Aug 8, 2007 marishka: Who shot your set? You should come hang out with some of the SG Charlotte group. There a 2 or 3 SGs and 2 other hopefuls. smile My boyfriend does some photography and he shot it for me. I should I should Aug 8, 2007
Who shot your set? You should come hang out with some of the SG Charlotte group. There a 2 or 3 SGs and 2 other hopefuls. smile
My boyfriend does some photography and he shot it for me. I should I should