If I were to tattoo a portrait on me, it wouldn't be Betty Page or Betty Boop. It would be Ann Richards. Former Texas Governor, she was a champion for women's and gay rights. She had a sharp tongue and even sharper wit. She got her motorcycle license at age 60 and even did a self-mocking Doritos commercial while running a political consultancy company. She was a fabulous contradiction. A liberal Texan.
When I watched her on TV give the key note address at the 1988 Democratic National Convention, I wanted to be her -- tough, sassy, a little nuts but in a good way.
Yesterday, she died of cancer at 73.
I hope to see more women grow up to be like her. I'm trying myself.
When I watched her on TV give the key note address at the 1988 Democratic National Convention, I wanted to be her -- tough, sassy, a little nuts but in a good way.
Yesterday, she died of cancer at 73.
I hope to see more women grow up to be like her. I'm trying myself.
I would like tattoos of the patterns on Ann Richards shirt. Ask Daniel to prepare some for me