ok so saw the coolest thing today. my favorite bugs (dragonflies, butterflies come in second) were having sex like crazy and i almost hit two couples today while driving. it was sooo cool and these wer like the gigantic looking ones. they were like jungle sized in beautiful colors attached to the butts. time to make new baby dragonflies. guess autum is that much closer. goodbye summer! will see u next year. bye pretty summer bugs. cant wait till ur new eggs start hatching and i can meet ur offspring. i luv bugs. they r soooo pretty. hmmmmm pretty colorful dragonflies and butterflies. wow i can stare at those and june bugs alll day everyday. just watch them live. watch the iridesence of their exoskeletons and watch them flap their wings and how they catch the sun and hover over plants and the earth. wow they amaze me.

DW <3