ok wow. i just found out my really close friend is getting bullied at work. stupid totally . . . since i thought all of us wer out of jr high and the two starting the big mess w/her are like older than her. yeah like one is even older than me . . . try hittin 28. so its not that much older but way older than my friend. she is barely 21. the other one is 24. looks like she is in her 30's but i guess that doesnt really matter. either way. . . these two trying to make my friend's life miserable are trying to accuse her of being racist. then ther is the young one of the group. yeah i bright kno it all 19 yr old. its one big mess and reminds me of why i hate working w/nothing but women. for crying out loud its only make up AND we dont get paid commission. and the 24 yr old and the 26 yr old arent that great of artists either. the other one just works fragrances and honestly i think all the bottles missing should be pinned as her responsibility since she is trying to be a manager. i just feel really bad for my friend. its not fair wen one person creates conflict w/three ppl and nothing is done about it. it really pisses me off wen they accuse my friend of being racist. that is rediculous. the race card is so completely over played. we hav advanced to far to be using that as an excuse or accusasion against someone that has never been or would ever be. im sick of it.
on another note, my brother was just told that he has to find another place to live in. i think its because my ex found out i got remarried and is taking it out on my brother. ok i think someone needs to move on and stop taking it out on others. im not a fucking goddess and i wasnt that great of a wife to him either. i guess its my brother's fault too for moving in w/him. i guess it shouldnt bother me since i really didnt want anymore ties to my ex and my brother moving away really cuts them. well, that is if my brother starts working w/another company. eh i guess. i dunno. i almost wish my brother would move out here instead.

on another note, my brother was just told that he has to find another place to live in. i think its because my ex found out i got remarried and is taking it out on my brother. ok i think someone needs to move on and stop taking it out on others. im not a fucking goddess and i wasnt that great of a wife to him either. i guess its my brother's fault too for moving in w/him. i guess it shouldnt bother me since i really didnt want anymore ties to my ex and my brother moving away really cuts them. well, that is if my brother starts working w/another company. eh i guess. i dunno. i almost wish my brother would move out here instead.