dude it is cold tonight! perfect to snuggle n cuddle n fondle n bump uglies! yeow! chicachicabowbow!
holy fucking shit i havnt been on this page in a good while! anyhow . . . howz it been goin? so . . . since last time i logged on . . . i changed my name legally to maryssa mccarthy and i turned the big 2-7. wow . . . im now 27. so thats about it! oh yeah i stopped boozing it...
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sole & skyrider US MEGATOUR w/ Telephone Jim Jesus

1.16.08 Wed San Diego, California. The Casbah w/ Telephone Jim Jesus
01.17.08 Thu Pomona, California. Glasshouse w/ Telephone Jim Jesus
01.18.08 Fri Los Angeles, California. Knitting Factory Front Room w/ Telephone Jim Jesus
01.19.08 Sat Phoenix, Arizona. Modified Arts w/ Telephone JIm Jesus
01.21.08 Mon Tucson, Arizona. Plush w/ Telephone Jim Jesus
01.23.08 Wed Santa Fe,...
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merry christmas everybody!!!!!! i hope u all got wat u wanted!!! kiss
k . . . second day @ my new job and i love it! im really really loving it! im so excited!
sounds like your working at Macdonalds and lovin' it LOL
my gosh bugs and lizards r sooo beautiful!!!!! i hav never seen such huge walking leafs out here! dragonflies out here r humoungus too! my geckos that hang out above my door stoop keep spiders and mosquitos away and coming in from the outside and they keep the walking leafs away from my pretty plumeria. i luv bugs and lizards! animals r sooo pretty!

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you make me smilesmile
just love your dorkyness ^_^ question: if you can be a bug or reptile what would it be?
ok so saw the coolest thing today. my favorite bugs (dragonflies, butterflies come in second) were having sex like crazy and i almost hit two couples today while driving. it was sooo cool and these wer like the gigantic looking ones. they were like jungle sized in beautiful colors attached to the butts. time to make new baby dragonflies. guess autum is that much closer....
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That sounds like the jungle fever was caught by these two love bugs lol and then nature took it's course
DW <3
finally for some good news and some positivity! i got a new job! i can finally leave sephora! no more mall job! no more traffic! fuck no more driving! i can finally walk to work and save on gas, emissions, burn more calories, and be closer to home! wooo-hoooooooooooo!!!!!!!! im so excited! i dont hav to wear that unappealing and drab black uniform! it can...
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Yay for you, you are finally free from the government rules and on a sidenote fuck on the rules!!! freedom baby
DW <3
ok so i dont kno wat to do . . . my grampa had a minor stroke and now he lost his balance and i think he isnt gonna improve. i never wanted to go home this bad. blackeyed
At least he isn't pushing up daisies and he is somewhat in good condition...
DW <3
oh yeah tonight my boy mark is gonna hav a special event over at swivel. its an underground/old skool hip hop night w/the krackernutts and some guest performers. i think he has some kinda drink special going on w/the bar management so be sure to check it out! he always puts cool shit together. im not gonna be ther, but i will start showing up...
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sounds like he throws it down cool and awesome ways lol
DW <3