So, my current restaurant of employment and I came to the agreement that my heart is not in it and I should move on. All was nice and sweet and there are no hard feelings which is great. But what now? My current plan is to apply to every photo job in NYC under the sun, start up my two patreons (one for you all where I strip/paint in the nude and one for my photography projects), finish my photo website and book shoots.
Wish me luck.
I also bought a Powerball ticket today because why the fuck not?!
I'm less worried about landing a job and more worried about how long the lag between getting another paycheck will be. I'm a woman of very simple tastes but I do have my rent, food, and son's welfare to think about before my own.
There's also always my art shop! Chicka chicka check it OUT = Support your Favorite Living Artist!
Be on the look out for more artwork and photo posts here now that I have some time. Also, I can communicate so much more about shit using my work that I am able to using my words. Gotta recognize my strengths and run with 'em.
As always, much love -
From your ever so hopeful Butterfly. <3