This year has been a doozy. In Jan, I had only been back home in NYC for all of a 2 months. I had started the job that I just ended a week ago. I was suddenly a single parent, separated from my husband and sleeping on an air mattress in my lil bro's place in Bklyn. By June, my husband joined us in an attempt to save our marriage, I was promoted to manager, I turned 35, my Dad was given a week to live, and I had just begun settling into my very own apartment. By September, my Dad became a walking miracle, my job a living nightmare, my marriage became somewhat solid, and our apartment felt more like a bachelor pad than a home.
Fast fwd to NOW. Right now. I'm left my job for my mental health and to be a better Mom. The truth is I have no idea what I'll be doing next (currently pushing art sales and will leave the link to my shop at the end of this blog if you'd like to help) - but I'm excited, not scared, at the future holds in terms of my career.
Not sure where I stand on my marriage but it is better and we are happier, talking, and in a much better place than this time a year ago.
I don't miss Santa Fe, NM enough to move back, but I miss things about it. NYC though, man have you captivated my heart once again. Why did you wait so long to call me back?
My son is almost 4 and thriving. Seeing this makes me thrive, gives me power, and helps in my motivating to get my own goals accomplished. It's time that plays tricks on me - there never seems to be enough of it.
I want to be more of a presence here again. I miss this space. It's all mine; no one in my family knows how to find me here and I love that in this time where even using the bathroom has lost its privacy.
I leave you with some pictures...and a link to my shop. If you like my art, get up off your ass and support it. Share my work or better yet, buy a piece to remember me by. ;) #LivingArtistsMakeTheWorldGoRound
Be Sound, Be Safe, Embrace the Unknown and Happy New Year.
With Love,
Mari <3