So i guess i should let everyone know whats up
Work: yep it's still there
Car: Running quite will, needs a tune up or something tho
Life: Hectic as always, getting ready for my fun 16 credit hour and 40 hours a week of work semester. Not going to be too much of a problem
Video Games: Playing way too much Guitar Hero III, but that will come to an end when my fingers get in shape because i finally bought a real guitar and plan on learning how to play in the time i give myself to not go insane with school. Also Assassin's Creed is fun along with the Orange Box.
Gym: Can never wait for my gym time to come up because its fun, nor do i have enough days to work out with but such is working 3 days a week
Weather: Yay its cold!!!!!! I wish i could afford time to go snowboarding this year, maybe if i get a saturday off from class i will go.
Beard: Yep, I'm growing one
19 days until I am on an airplane flying to the wonderful country to close yet so far away.
Work: yep it's still there
Car: Running quite will, needs a tune up or something tho
Life: Hectic as always, getting ready for my fun 16 credit hour and 40 hours a week of work semester. Not going to be too much of a problem
Video Games: Playing way too much Guitar Hero III, but that will come to an end when my fingers get in shape because i finally bought a real guitar and plan on learning how to play in the time i give myself to not go insane with school. Also Assassin's Creed is fun along with the Orange Box.
Gym: Can never wait for my gym time to come up because its fun, nor do i have enough days to work out with but such is working 3 days a week
Weather: Yay its cold!!!!!! I wish i could afford time to go snowboarding this year, maybe if i get a saturday off from class i will go.
Beard: Yep, I'm growing one
19 days until I am on an airplane flying to the wonderful country to close yet so far away.

Tell me, tell me, tell me. I love secrets!
But thank you for the luck