Its a sad day when u kill a firearm, and its worse still when u have no idea what went wrong or how to fix it.
My S&W .357 mag bit the bullet today, trigger jammed up and locked the hammer quarter way back after the 1st .357 mag rd I put through it ( had gone through a full cylinder of .38 special just before) and got some metal chunks in the face to go with the renewed surprise as to the power of the rd cuz I mixed the rds together that time. I was able to clear the wpn (at the range) and get the girl to work (kinda) after I got home, hammer sticks when I cock it manually though.
I dont knw shit about wheel guns yet so ill prob have to take it 2 a gunsmith 4 repair and full service, as I bought it used and dont knw the last time it was maintenanced (old police issue I got from my gramps a few yrs ago).
Over all a not so great day at the range, made worse by the fact it has been a yr since last I went. Had very disappointing groups with my 1911's do to how long its been and that my dominant left eye wouldnt stay closed and my right (wpn) hand was really shaky. The only plus was I didnt go throw more than 200rds total 4 all 3 calibers I brought and I now have some brass 2 start reloading with.
My confidence to survive the zombie apocalypse without a completed *assault* rifle is severely diminished. Must move up the priority of a upper receiver from 2nd firearm wise and bout 5th over all to 1st period. I must also find away to go to the range more often and practice with my 1911's.
My S&W .357 mag bit the bullet today, trigger jammed up and locked the hammer quarter way back after the 1st .357 mag rd I put through it ( had gone through a full cylinder of .38 special just before) and got some metal chunks in the face to go with the renewed surprise as to the power of the rd cuz I mixed the rds together that time. I was able to clear the wpn (at the range) and get the girl to work (kinda) after I got home, hammer sticks when I cock it manually though.
I dont knw shit about wheel guns yet so ill prob have to take it 2 a gunsmith 4 repair and full service, as I bought it used and dont knw the last time it was maintenanced (old police issue I got from my gramps a few yrs ago).
Over all a not so great day at the range, made worse by the fact it has been a yr since last I went. Had very disappointing groups with my 1911's do to how long its been and that my dominant left eye wouldnt stay closed and my right (wpn) hand was really shaky. The only plus was I didnt go throw more than 200rds total 4 all 3 calibers I brought and I now have some brass 2 start reloading with.
My confidence to survive the zombie apocalypse without a completed *assault* rifle is severely diminished. Must move up the priority of a upper receiver from 2nd firearm wise and bout 5th over all to 1st period. I must also find away to go to the range more often and practice with my 1911's.
damn man. our lives suck. stay positive.