Monday Oct 26, 2009 Oct 26, 2009 0 Facebook Tweet Email 64 more days till MR! P.s. If I had squirrels...... I would treat it like a baby.... Cute lil things they are jhay: I used to have a squirrel that I could hand feed. She'd come by every other day for some peanuts or a treat. I almost took her when we moved. I'm in the process of trying to domesticate some new squirrels in my new home. They're skittish, it'll take awhile. Oct 26, 2009 marilynn: Someone made a myspace and put my name on it and my picture and it's not me!!!! I'm not a Gemini!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrr mother fucker cock fuck bitch cunt smash krispy cum stained limp dick anal seeeeepage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh that felt good lol but seriously it's true!! Oct 26, 2009
I'm in the process of trying to domesticate some new squirrels in my new home. They're skittish, it'll take awhile.
Oh that felt good lol but seriously it's true!!