So today is the last day of my 10 day all liquid, master cleanse detox... and guess what?? I'm not dead. I'm not skin and bones. And I wasn't starving every second of every day. (All common misconceptions of any/most detox.) I find it funny how so many people with no experience or education on the cleanse like to "warn" myself and others of the "dangers"... I mean at least do some research first, come on 😑. I personally have done the master cleanse once before and had zero negative effects both times. I would definitely recommend this cleanse and will 100% be doing it again in the future. My energy levels are through the roof, my self control and self confidence are at an all time high, and I was able to lose 9.5 lbs in the process. Not to mention I'm 10 days alcohol and cigarette free 😁 this was my jump start to getting back to the healthy lifestyle I had a couple years back! Now that I'm clean on the inside it's time to eat better and exercise regularly so I can get my body toned and back in shape!