It is 2:30am and I am up working. I don't know why i put this shit off. But i wanted to get these mailing labels printed (or at least a majority of them) so that i dont have to do so much in the morning. I keep wanting to clean up the house, like give it a good scrub down...but i feel like i have so much to do. Then i feel overwhelmed and instead of just getting stuff done, i put it off! I'm pretty much a day behind on everything, but i think after tonight i'll be pretty well caught up. I've mostly just been working off and on all day. It's a bit difficult to pull shirts with my foot, cuz if i stand on it too long it starts to hurt. Then when i package the shirts my back starts to hurt. Yeah, i am an old person!
The thing that sucks about the USPS website is that you can only input 10 addresses...then you have to print them, which takes a while. This is why i am typing in here, waiting for labels to print.
Tomorrow I hope to:
~Mail packages.
~Package Shirts~
~clean the house a bit
~make a few dreads
~Process cheques/money orders
~attempt at getting organzied
~get some exercise, depending on how my foot is.
And a foot update for anyone who cares. It is starting to feel better. I'm pretty sure that what happened is that I sprained my foot/ankle. It is still noticabley swollen. There are times when it feels totally normal, but if i have my weight on it for more than a few minutes it starts to get sore. But then it hurts if i haven't had my weight on it for a long time, like in the morning when i get up. And then at night when i have been using it all day. Haha! The accident was a week ago today, so hopefully a few more days and i'll be recovered. At least im not limping anymore!
OK back to work!
The thing that sucks about the USPS website is that you can only input 10 addresses...then you have to print them, which takes a while. This is why i am typing in here, waiting for labels to print.
Tomorrow I hope to:
~Mail packages.
~Package Shirts~
~clean the house a bit
~make a few dreads
~Process cheques/money orders
~attempt at getting organzied
~get some exercise, depending on how my foot is.
And a foot update for anyone who cares. It is starting to feel better. I'm pretty sure that what happened is that I sprained my foot/ankle. It is still noticabley swollen. There are times when it feels totally normal, but if i have my weight on it for more than a few minutes it starts to get sore. But then it hurts if i haven't had my weight on it for a long time, like in the morning when i get up. And then at night when i have been using it all day. Haha! The accident was a week ago today, so hopefully a few more days and i'll be recovered. At least im not limping anymore!
OK back to work!
Hell yeah!! I've been waiting for some SG love to meet at Murderfest. It's going to be awesome. Maybe I'll see you there.