a month ago, the 14th november my first SG-Set was photographed by the fabulously Lavezzaro.
we drived over 4 hours on the way to berlin...but i tell later something about this adventure
Now i wanna tell you and show you some about the great time we all had

We meet us in Hotel where we start photographing, after the shoot 2 hours later we drunk 2 bottles sparkling -wine
...it was the best shooting i've ever have had and i love the pics...so i am very exciting what you think about the Set
After the shooting my friend Iza and i drived to the potsdamer platz and start to partying in berlin for one night, and it was the best we ever done...
we meet a lot of people from different countries like Spain, or Tokio
it was very interesting and a lot of fun to making party with this people we met! > some gangstaaa-Party-People *g*
> drunken

and the explosion...the day after>

> and in front of the hotel...on the way back home...
Special THX to Lavezarro
we drived over 4 hours on the way to berlin...but i tell later something about this adventure

Now i wanna tell you and show you some about the great time we all had

We meet us in Hotel where we start photographing, after the shoot 2 hours later we drunk 2 bottles sparkling -wine

After the shooting my friend Iza and i drived to the potsdamer platz and start to partying in berlin for one night, and it was the best we ever done...

we meet a lot of people from different countries like Spain, or Tokio

> drunken

and the explosion...the day after>

> and in front of the hotel...on the way back home...

Special THX to Lavezarro