I feel like a bad Budding Photographer, I'm taking a day off. I know, I know, it's important to not overload, take time out, but nonetheless I feel bad. If I was a good dedicated budding photographer I would be editing and retouching today, and if I forced myself I could... But forcing it ain't the way.
Truth be told I am having a moment of mild depression. I'm not talking clinical, but they do seem to come around with an amount of regularity. It's nothing like a Black Mood, more like a Soft Grey Mood. And only monthly, so I guess that's understandable. I just hate these days where everything is impossible. The minor chaos of my small space is insurmountable, doing the washing up seems hopeless.
I have had a bad taste in my mouth for days now. Ick Uck Yuck. I think stopping smoking might help it go away, but when I'm in this mood stopping smoking is lumped in with the everything impossibility.
There are a load of very good things going on in my life right now, please ignore this moment of self-indulgence. Pleuargh.
My friend Dori took this by accident, happily. Look, there's he with the camera, and me next to he, in the swanky sunglasses of his Lady T.
Truth be told I am having a moment of mild depression. I'm not talking clinical, but they do seem to come around with an amount of regularity. It's nothing like a Black Mood, more like a Soft Grey Mood. And only monthly, so I guess that's understandable. I just hate these days where everything is impossible. The minor chaos of my small space is insurmountable, doing the washing up seems hopeless.
I have had a bad taste in my mouth for days now. Ick Uck Yuck. I think stopping smoking might help it go away, but when I'm in this mood stopping smoking is lumped in with the everything impossibility.
There are a load of very good things going on in my life right now, please ignore this moment of self-indulgence. Pleuargh.
My friend Dori took this by accident, happily. Look, there's he with the camera, and me next to he, in the swanky sunglasses of his Lady T.
What an excellent picture.
I've just spent almost 2 full days editing & retouching 90-odd pics. I'm not very good with photoshop, which is partly the reason it took so long, so I cna identify with that too.
Ciel is a one-off, in a nice way. It's hard to describe someone's personality but quirky, witty & sensitive come into it, along with 'no fool'.
It's weird that someone can still be contactable elsewhere, as she is, but it doesn't feel the same in the 'outside' world.