a proper update will follow soon(ish)

mmmmm... cherries!
(there are bound to be a zillion more photos forthcoming, I am the proud new owner of a lovely digital SLR.)

Last night, or more likely this morning, I had a strange dream, much bloodshed, a Bonnie & Clyde pair of gun-weilding maniacs slaying crowds of people. Towards the end she shot someone with a gun shaped like this perfume bottle. What does it mean?? I don't think it's good.

But I am not so blinded by anger as to neglect to drop a line to you! In fact I've cooled down a bit. Maybe I should get a digital camera as well.
As I was writing the entry for the 24th I was thinking that you might enjoy it. You are quite the natural philosopher, I think.
Tastey new profile pic!