Today I did my weekly penance at the desk of the devil. After my conversation with Chris yesterday, I decided to reinstate the titty emails. So the aim of the game is to insert 'tit' or 'tits' as many times as you can into work emails, preferrably with clients emails'. It works especially well if you are replying to their email, and you put 'tit' as a typo into their original email. "I'll send you the orignal document so tha tits clear what we're talking about..." or "In the interest of good communicatition..."
Then I came home and ate Mrs Elswoods gherkins 'cos I was hungry enough to eat a horse. Whilst eating gherkins I roasted some veg with chillli and garlic, and then I ate that too.
Here's a pic from this weekend past:
And yes, that is Winnie The Pooh in the background.
And here's what I think about that particular picture:
Then I came home and ate Mrs Elswoods gherkins 'cos I was hungry enough to eat a horse. Whilst eating gherkins I roasted some veg with chillli and garlic, and then I ate that too.
Here's a pic from this weekend past:

And yes, that is Winnie The Pooh in the background.
And here's what I think about that particular picture:


Well, here ya go........