goshdarn I look serious this morning. It could be the sun in my eyes that's giving me that furrowed brow, or it could be that I'm trying hard not to have my morning cigarette.
Yup, there goes that resolution out the window. I did pretty well tho, made it to luck day 13. (The resolution in question being my "Stop worrying and enjoy the cigs in 2005" resolution).
Basically I've got a hideous cough, and if I don't cut down on the cigs it'll never go away. At the moment it is waking me up nights, and I don't want to be at a certain man's house this weekend coughing and spluttering all over his pillow.
3pm update
It's the 13th! no wonder the sky is so goddamn blue today!
It isn't found in the day
Reach out and it slips away
Anticipation interrupts
We must live through this dear
As I'm in line to the unclaimed
Lonely tail atop the here
Sun goes down I come around
Blue is the colour of the night
Blue is the colour that I'm looking for
Blue is the colour that I'm looking for
Blue is the frequency
Blue is the colour that I'm looking for
Ok so I guessed line 5 and 6, probably wrongly. That's Royal Trux, and Jennifer's heroin ravaged voice is too elusive for me. But damn that song is beautiful.
Everybody get out 'Veterans of Destruction' and we'll all listen together. Aw... isn't that nice?
I gave in and had the morning cigarette, and I'm sure the day is much finer for it.

this time for real.
go me