Typical. Typical things are so bloody boring. I've sort kinda started seeing this guy, yawn, you don't really want to hear about this, do you?
Suffice to say:
- My brain is scrambled. Slowly I am unscrambling it. I hate this crap, I am a whole person, complete unto myself, why is there some part of me that freaks out when someone else appears on the scene, gets all anxious and scared and brainless, why is that?? (I am less of the above now, but you should have seen me last week!!)
- We are playing the old tug-o-war game, that bit at the beginning where he pulls as hard as he can in his direction and I pull equally as hard in mine. It's like we're on unicycles, his going forward whenever mine goes back. At the moment he is really very busy and has not time for romantic interludes, I can guarantee you that as soon as I get busy he will be begging to see me. For fucks sake, I told you this is boring!
Berlin was good for photos...
Off to Paris this weekend, oooh, get me! Is for work tho, and will be completely hectic non-stop without a moment for lovely Paris to even peek it's head around the corner.
This week my diet is made up almost entirely of sugar and butter. I made banana cake last night, guess what was for breakfast this morning?
That's about it from me. My mojo seems to have taken a short break to Jamaica, so I will be dull until it's return.
Suffice to say:
- My brain is scrambled. Slowly I am unscrambling it. I hate this crap, I am a whole person, complete unto myself, why is there some part of me that freaks out when someone else appears on the scene, gets all anxious and scared and brainless, why is that?? (I am less of the above now, but you should have seen me last week!!)
- We are playing the old tug-o-war game, that bit at the beginning where he pulls as hard as he can in his direction and I pull equally as hard in mine. It's like we're on unicycles, his going forward whenever mine goes back. At the moment he is really very busy and has not time for romantic interludes, I can guarantee you that as soon as I get busy he will be begging to see me. For fucks sake, I told you this is boring!
Berlin was good for photos...
Off to Paris this weekend, oooh, get me! Is for work tho, and will be completely hectic non-stop without a moment for lovely Paris to even peek it's head around the corner.
This week my diet is made up almost entirely of sugar and butter. I made banana cake last night, guess what was for breakfast this morning?
That's about it from me. My mojo seems to have taken a short break to Jamaica, so I will be dull until it's return.

Hope all is well.
Me neiter! Happy happy joy joy! I think I shall ost definately arrive on the Friday.