> although love would
> > always appear to be lost, it is also persistent
> with its threat of
> > returning, like a tortuous yet irresistibly
> thrilling roller
> > coaster ride.
(Oh for fucks sake. When did I turn into such a goddamn daisylovingoptimist freak?)
please excuse my inconsistency, life has just gotten manic again.
Song of the moment: Here Today
The Beachboys
(Brian sure knew about heartache/loneliness/rushing in)
> > always appear to be lost, it is also persistent
> with its threat of
> > returning, like a tortuous yet irresistibly
> thrilling roller
> > coaster ride.

(Oh for fucks sake. When did I turn into such a goddamn daisylovingoptimist freak?)
please excuse my inconsistency, life has just gotten manic again.

Song of the moment: Here Today
The Beachboys
(Brian sure knew about heartache/loneliness/rushing in)
hmmm that love rollercoaster.
dont eat b4 getting on that puppy cuz it can make ya sick.
hands you a glass of water and mops your brow...