Fucking City of Chicago.
My car was towed yesterday (which was indeed my own fault), Not only did it cost $160 to get it out of the pound, but I had to wait in line for TWO AND A HALF HOURS at that shitty little trailer they call an office at Sacramento & Chicago. One worker made a girl cry. Another employee tried to shift the line and almost caused a riot. It was awful and it was insane.
I was actually embarrassed to be a Chicago resident. I mean, the pound has been there for years, so you think they could at least build a real office? With chairs maybe? Is it too much to ask? And, do they have to write all that crayon shit right on the driver's side of the front window? Who knows when I can get that stuff off.
Okay, if you read this far, thanks for listening to my little hissy fit about the state of Chicago public services. I promise to write something more cheery next time.
I love this city but I hate the way it's run.
Sorry to hear about your ordeal. Don't let the man get you down. Seek comfort in knowing that there are others out there (like us) that feel your pain and think alike. Maybe there is hope for this city yet.
random: *note to all ladies in chicago* -- don't forget, sg bowl is this friday night. Check out the sg chicago group or the general events page for more info. I hope to see you there! Wouldn't it be something if there were more grrls than guys there? How great would that be?