fucking headache! OUCH
i'm tired. just got back from a stupid ass four hour shift. i'm getting bitter. i at work because they're fucking around with me. they say they're doing this shit because i'm bitter! AAAAHHH!
oh well, smoke a bowl, or five and watch my newly acquirred vhs copy of mists of avalon! YAY!
fuck, i finished reading it a few eeks ago and didn't want it to end. so i ordered it in at work.
i'm gonna go watch that right after i watch the courtney love video which fucking kicks ass! little princesses and fairies with massive weapons, you can't go wrong! wish i gotta run around in cool dresses like that with wicked big chainsaw thingies!
well later all! hope you're all doing well.
alright, stayed up stupid late to wathc mists of avalon! fuck, they wrote they're own story for that and slapped mists of avalon on it. ugh, terrible. the most entertaining part was me screaming at the tv. the end was so far off i don't even know what happened. it all became very dream like and i was positive that i had fallen asleep and it wasn't actually happening. but Guy assured me it was happening.
and, the pixies tickets went on sale this morning. they sold out in the first two minutes! i had four different people in the trenches and none of them prevailed.
time to go cry.
new tegan and presley set!
skull love to all that care!
i'm tired. just got back from a stupid ass four hour shift. i'm getting bitter. i at work because they're fucking around with me. they say they're doing this shit because i'm bitter! AAAAHHH!
oh well, smoke a bowl, or five and watch my newly acquirred vhs copy of mists of avalon! YAY!
fuck, i finished reading it a few eeks ago and didn't want it to end. so i ordered it in at work.
i'm gonna go watch that right after i watch the courtney love video which fucking kicks ass! little princesses and fairies with massive weapons, you can't go wrong! wish i gotta run around in cool dresses like that with wicked big chainsaw thingies!
well later all! hope you're all doing well.
alright, stayed up stupid late to wathc mists of avalon! fuck, they wrote they're own story for that and slapped mists of avalon on it. ugh, terrible. the most entertaining part was me screaming at the tv. the end was so far off i don't even know what happened. it all became very dream like and i was positive that i had fallen asleep and it wasn't actually happening. but Guy assured me it was happening.
and, the pixies tickets went on sale this morning. they sold out in the first two minutes! i had four different people in the trenches and none of them prevailed.
time to go cry.

new tegan and presley set!

thats awesome ~ you are so talented and beautiful !

aww man looks like were both in the same position with our dogs..mines back home too and it doesn't look like im gonna get to see him..feck..
i feel like our dogs should hook up and bitch about the cold weather and arthritis or somthin..poor buggers