oh wow. i drank too much the other night. we stayed up stupid late arguing about how record store should be set up. think i passed out around four am. i woke up around ten am and realized i was sleeping on a futon and it was raining out. apparently when i passed out they had to pull the futon out with me still on it. so i rolled over to sleep some more. about fifteen minutes after that my friend came out and told me to wake up. he was like "oh shit, i'm sorry i was suppose to wake you p forty five minutes ago" i was so confused until i realized i had to be there right away. grrr. i was still drunk when i rolled out of bed. ugh. so, my friend gave me a ride to work. i thought i was like an hour late, but he got me there on time. the rest of the day was hell. i hoped to go home early but my assistent manager called in "sick". dammit, i wanted to go home early. so, we were fucked and short staffed for the rest of a really fucking busy day, while i had the WORST hangover since this past summer. anyhoo, i got off work and then realized we had promised to meet some friends at the late show for lord of the rings. ugh, i didn't think i'd make it. i needed sleep. but i made supper, some WICKED guacmole(first attempt too!! ) and took a shower and made it to the movie. i was so smart, i brought a blanket to the theatre. everyone thought i was going to fall alseep. but HA i didn't. i was sooooo excited to finally see that movie. it fucking rawked. i was warm and comfy (we went to one of those mega expensive theatres with comfy seats too) and that movie was soooo fucking intense i wasn't sure if i wanted to pee myself at times or let my heart stop. all in all i got home atr about 2:30 am and i'm damn proud i made it through the day. now i just woke up from the greatest sleep of all time and i'm going to eat some leftover guac. (it's even better now that the lime has set in) and i have to HAVE TO work on my grrl band cd trade cd's now. and some artwork for the covers. i have to find out a ton of songs names because i lost a biunch. i have some many songs i want to put on and don't have proper names for half of them. well i think i'm done ranting now. blah blah blah!!!
Make an extra copy of the CD for me toooooooo! I'll trade ya for some postcards of my paintings - please oh please??!
i'm workin on ur cd now i'll post it by end of the week
Damn glitter star keep fallin out!
Yeah Return of the King just blew me away! I swear time didn't pass while i was watchin it... did my usual don'tfuckincry technique at end when everyone bowed down 2 the hobbits! And a bit of feminist action too "I am no man!" hehe...