i need to do something with my life. i feel like i've been living in limbo for the last two years of my life. i thought moving to vancouver would make me feel better, which it has to some degree. but i need something else. i'm sick of working a crappy part time job where my hours can be cut or added whenever they feel like. i think i wnat to go to skull. but i can't do any real skull stuff until i've lived in this province for two years. then i'm eligble for a student loan. i feel like i've done nothing towards my dream. i've been drawing a couple people some tattoo designs. but it still feels like i've gone nowhere. i want to do so many things and i'm doing nothing. i have no idea where to start. on top of it all, i'm lazy and forgetful. i need to wake myself up. but i don't know how.
Don't give up hope.