New glasses!

I went to the doctor for my pulmonary function test today. It sucked and gave me a huge panic attack. The guy said the test looked normal, which is good but frustrating since my lungs still feel wack. We'll see.
Met this guy at the market the other day, he might film me talking about my Max tattoo for the Where The Wild Things Are movie. I'm afraid I won't have enough to say and I'll be a disappointment, but that's kind of my fear all the time.

Comics yesterday:

I went to the doctor for my pulmonary function test today. It sucked and gave me a huge panic attack. The guy said the test looked normal, which is good but frustrating since my lungs still feel wack. We'll see.
Met this guy at the market the other day, he might film me talking about my Max tattoo for the Where The Wild Things Are movie. I'm afraid I won't have enough to say and I'll be a disappointment, but that's kind of my fear all the time.

Comics yesterday:
I feel like this today:
(I was originally trying to find the "Cramp!" sketch, but this one works too.)
Signed up for again to try and meet some folks. So far, so good I guess, though I'm apprehensive about internet dating.
Excited for San Francisco, but I have a lot to do beforehand. My old friend Mike has been teaching English in Korea, but he'll be in town for his sister's wedding so I get to see him. Very glad about that.
Your able to change others perception of your personality by the frames you have.
It doesn't matter if you don't say much if / when your filmed, as long as your honest.
Just have fun, you can only be you in the end anyway, why be different?