Monday Mar 03, 2008 Mar 3, 2008 0 Facebook Tweet Email Funny how things work out. Not always "funny ha-ha", I guess, but funny none the less. VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS koleeta: Well I was going to say "whatever the fuck we want" but that Tim Gunn thing works too. Yeah I can do NY in the fall. I know tracy will have a study/spare room at her place by sept if you want to wait till then. Mar 5, 2008 deaconkole: Hey, I know you, too! Too bad I don't know how to add you as a friend. Dammit. ...and now, I'm going to check out all your favorites. Mar 5, 2008
Yeah I can do NY in the fall. I know tracy will have a study/spare room at her place by sept if you want to wait till then.
Too bad I don't know how to add you as a friend. Dammit.
...and now, I'm going to check out all your favorites.