Final installment of Confidence Rock on The Fabulist. You can feel me.
Austin in 3 days? 4 days?
I dropped my laundry off at the fluff and fold this morning (finally). It made me feel classy, and since I was feeling decadent and irresponsible anyway, I went and had breakfast at The Standard. They gave me a mini Nutella with my English muffin.
I cannot fucking wait to shoot with my Holga.

Austin in 3 days? 4 days?
I dropped my laundry off at the fluff and fold this morning (finally). It made me feel classy, and since I was feeling decadent and irresponsible anyway, I went and had breakfast at The Standard. They gave me a mini Nutella with my English muffin.
I cannot fucking wait to shoot with my Holga.

I don't do caffeine, darling. And I've always been more of a dahlia type.
Well, next time you're in the neighborhood (you know, like . . . just passin' through, on your way to . . . Wisconsin . . . or someplace), come over and we'll have a sleepover!