Well, back again. I've just been lurking a bit and posting a little here and there for the past week. I'm living with a friend and his fiancee while my wife, L, and I try to work things out. Things are going ok I suppose. I met a couple of new people and they're plenty cool. Folks just to hang out with, smoke a few smokes, drink a few drinks, and talk about the world in general and everything in specific. L and I have been on decent terms, but I still can't return home until I feel like I'm a priority in her life, and that hasn't happened yet.
Unfortunately, that led to a shitty couple of days. Wednesday was my B-day. I spent the afternoon at a baseball game with L and my daughter, but I couldn't go home with them when asked if I was coming over. Things were just too uncomfortable and I needed to talk about some issues with her. I didn't wasnt my B-day to turn into a messy emotional fiasco, so I went back to my friend's house and eventually was drug out by another buddy to get some drinks.
Then to top it all off, I found out yesterday that my beautiful electronic baby (a 52", wide screen, hi-def ready television just over one year old) was completely dead and was not covered by warranty. It seems that Circuit City doesn't cover a small group of mice moving unbeknownst into your tv and eating the wiring, pissing on circuit cards... $1800 shot to hell. I'm hoping it can be repaired for something reasonable.
What in the name of all that is holy (or not) must I do to catch a fuckin' break in my life? Dammit!
Sorry, just in one of those "I can't seem to win" attitudes.
Hope you all are having a good time and thanks to everyone who posted their support in my previous journals. Love to you all
Unfortunately, that led to a shitty couple of days. Wednesday was my B-day. I spent the afternoon at a baseball game with L and my daughter, but I couldn't go home with them when asked if I was coming over. Things were just too uncomfortable and I needed to talk about some issues with her. I didn't wasnt my B-day to turn into a messy emotional fiasco, so I went back to my friend's house and eventually was drug out by another buddy to get some drinks.
Then to top it all off, I found out yesterday that my beautiful electronic baby (a 52", wide screen, hi-def ready television just over one year old) was completely dead and was not covered by warranty. It seems that Circuit City doesn't cover a small group of mice moving unbeknownst into your tv and eating the wiring, pissing on circuit cards... $1800 shot to hell. I'm hoping it can be repaired for something reasonable.
What in the name of all that is holy (or not) must I do to catch a fuckin' break in my life? Dammit!
Sorry, just in one of those "I can't seem to win" attitudes.
Hope you all are having a good time and thanks to everyone who posted their support in my previous journals. Love to you all
HAHAHA. I am a 1:05er.....who told you what it didn't mean?
You are too cute and funny.