So, house hunting sucks. Everyone keeps saying "Moving is no big deal", "Hey, its exciting, you'll be in a new place and and and..."
Fuck those people, they're not the ones moving! I like my current house. I liked living there with my girlfriend. NOw its all gone. Or will be soon. I seriously think this break up is temporary, but still, it sucks. Its streddful when I already have heaps of stress at work in in my life in general. I'm tired of this bullshit.
The good thing is that I don't think anything else can really phase me. Example: I left my ship's Xmas party early because I was one of the unlucky few who had to be at work at 6am the next day (everyone wasn't due in til 10am...) and I needed to get some sleep. $5 minutes after I left, my name was drawn to win the 42" Plasma television grand prize. But I wasn't there to claim it so another name was drawn... ANd I don't care. It really didn't bother me. Okay, maybe for a few minutes after I found out, but that's it. I'm really just starting to give over and realize I have no control over anything other than myself.
If something happens, it was meant to be. If it doesn't, it wasn't.
Hopefully K and I were meant to be. If not, I suppose there's always someone out there crushing on me I can snatch up
Fuck those people, they're not the ones moving! I like my current house. I liked living there with my girlfriend. NOw its all gone. Or will be soon. I seriously think this break up is temporary, but still, it sucks. Its streddful when I already have heaps of stress at work in in my life in general. I'm tired of this bullshit.
The good thing is that I don't think anything else can really phase me. Example: I left my ship's Xmas party early because I was one of the unlucky few who had to be at work at 6am the next day (everyone wasn't due in til 10am...) and I needed to get some sleep. $5 minutes after I left, my name was drawn to win the 42" Plasma television grand prize. But I wasn't there to claim it so another name was drawn... ANd I don't care. It really didn't bother me. Okay, maybe for a few minutes after I found out, but that's it. I'm really just starting to give over and realize I have no control over anything other than myself.
If something happens, it was meant to be. If it doesn't, it wasn't.
Hopefully K and I were meant to be. If not, I suppose there's always someone out there crushing on me I can snatch up

Approaching the whole single thing with open arms (for now, anyways) is probably the best thing that you can do. I do think that you and K are meant to be, and I hope that it happens for you two...but if it doesn't, then I trust that there will be someone else out there.
I also appreciate your trans-continental effort to fix me up.
But you'll get through it. And it will get better. Of course. Sounds like you have a good attitude about it.