I can't keep living my life like a palimpsest, where he bleeds through and haunts the landscape. I just can't.
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Thursday May 23, 2013
Oh my. -
Friday Jan 07, 2011
Props to my girl AJ. The donkey brays at midnight. -
Tuesday Jun 22, 2010
When you are all alone in the claustrophobic dark, it starts to feel … -
Monday Mar 29, 2010
For lulz, instead of reading this as a list of songs, try reading it … -
Thursday Feb 18, 2010
My fake Canadian friend told me I had two minutes to write a five sen… -
Wednesday Dec 09, 2009
One for posterity. I didn't know what it meant to fall for them all.… -
Friday Oct 09, 2009
Crossing. She stands midway through the overpass bike bath in that s… -
Sunday Jun 21, 2009
The first time you kissed me, it was frantic. You flew across the car… -
Sunday Mar 08, 2009
I have nothing particularly interesting or relevant to say here, but … -
Tuesday Nov 11, 2008
So I saw this band on Saturday night, and only one song really stuck …
palimpsest ( P ) Pronunciation Key (plmp-sst)
A manuscript, typically of papyrus or parchment, that has been written on more than once, with the earlier writing incompletely erased and often legible.
An object, place, or area that reflects its history: Spaniards in the sixteenth century... saw an ocean moving south... through a palimpsest of bayous and distributary streams in forested paludal basins (John McPhee).
[Latin palimpsstum, from Greek palimpsston, neuter of palimpsstos, scraped again : palin, again; see kwel-1 in Indo-European Roots + psn, to scrape.]
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