My precious Fender just turned 8 this week, and we found out he has a mast cell tumor on his ear. It hasn't spread internally and will be removed via surgery, but he will probably lose most of his ear. My little boy has gone through so much shit in his short life it's just maddening. Send your good mojo to him, please.
The latest tradition in our house has been Zombie Fridays. Our friend Jonny comes over, we get stoned as hell, and play this zombies board game. Has anyone here played it? It's insanely fun and addicting.
In other news....I saw this driving around the other day.
Bedtime. I have a matinee for the show I'm currently in tomorrow. I'm effing exhausted and can't wait for a damn break. Ugh.

The latest tradition in our house has been Zombie Fridays. Our friend Jonny comes over, we get stoned as hell, and play this zombies board game. Has anyone here played it? It's insanely fun and addicting.

In other news....I saw this driving around the other day.

Bedtime. I have a matinee for the show I'm currently in tomorrow. I'm effing exhausted and can't wait for a damn break. Ugh.