Fender had his first cupcake today.

p.s. what's with the obscene number of new SG's with plastic surgery? i thought this site was about glorifying natural beauty. i wish women were just satisfied with what they had. *sigh* i mean, jesus - take the money you're gonna spend on FAKE BOOBS and donate it to a charity so starving kids can eat or stray animals can have some medical care. blahhhhh.

p.s. what's with the obscene number of new SG's with plastic surgery? i thought this site was about glorifying natural beauty. i wish women were just satisfied with what they had. *sigh* i mean, jesus - take the money you're gonna spend on FAKE BOOBS and donate it to a charity so starving kids can eat or stray animals can have some medical care. blahhhhh.
awwwww so cuteeeee

That is an awesome picture of the dog! P.S. - he said to stop dressing him in sweaters - it makes him feel stupid.